The denim blue Nano Speedy handbag is a delicate interpretation of the classic Speedy handbag. This time, it is made of Monogram jacquard denim fabric and presented with Monogram patterns and sandblasting effects using jacquard knitting technology. The handle and long shoulder strap allow for shoulder or crossbody selection, storing small items with a trendy style. Dimensions: 16 x 10 x 7.5 cm 60%
牛仔蓝 Nano Speedy 手袋是经典 Speedy 手袋的玲珑演绎,此次取材 Monogram 提花丹宁布,以提花针织工艺呈现 Monogram 图案和砂洗效果。手柄和长肩带实现肩背或斜挎选择,以潮流格调收纳随行小物。尺寸:16 x 10 x 7.5 厘米 60%
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